Event Details
24–28 July 2021

13th European Biophysics Conference - EBSA meeting

Hybrid - Austria Center Vienna, Viena, Austria
The EBSA meeting to be held in Vienna's in summer 2021 as an Hybrid Conference. Organizer: Austrian Biophysical Society

I would like to inform you about the upcoming EBSA 2021 Congress in Vienna:

  • The conference is on track! They have assembled an exciting program, with prestigious plenary and key-note speakers and well-balanced scientific sessions. All invited speakers have already confirmed their on-site participation!


  • Hybrid conference: as planned, the meeting will be held as a hybrid conference.
    - Each session will be double-chaired to establish a good mix between on-site and virtual participants.  
    - They will have highly interactive breaks with coffee & cake for on-site participants and attractive meeting rooms for virtual participants. 


  • Full flexibility in your choice between on-site and virtual participation. You can switch at any time point before the conference starts, from on-site to virtual participation. Your Registration Fee will be adjusted accordingly, and any excess payment will be refunded to you. 


  • Vienna will provide a warm and safe welcome for you! Particularly, we are continuously monitoring COVID regulations of the different countries and we will adapt the on-site safety measures accordingly. 


  • You matter! It is you who will make the congress an exciting event. Please be an EBSA 2021 ambassador and help spread the word to colleagues to register for Abstract submission!

Abstract submission deadline: 31 March 2021

Registration is open here

All information: https://www.ebsa2021.org/
