Event Details
20 April 2023

Annual Spring Meeting 2023 of the Swiss Society of Pharmacology and Toxicology (SSPT)

Auditorium Langhans. Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland

Registration/ submission of abstracts: Please send registration form and abstracts (as applicable) to Hugo Kupferschmidt sspt.meeting@gmail.com

Deadline for registration/abstract submission: February 27, 2023

Abstract/poster information:

  • Topics: Scientific contributions to any fields of pharmacology and toxicology (not restricted to ageing).
  • Format: Max. 1 A4 page, 2.5 cm border around text block, font: Arial (≈600 words or 4000 characters incl. spaces). Composition: Title, authors, affiliations, text (grouped in Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, References, if applicable).

LS2 sponsors this event

More details in flyer attached.
